Pal Lantmännen Unibake Policy for Sustainable Palm Oil Background: As part of our field to fork commitment, Lantmännen Unibake recognises that palm oil should be responsibly produced and sourced. The intention is to ensure that the palm oil we use can be traced back through a supply chain that is ethically managed. Lantmännen has been a member of the Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) since 2010 and subscribes to its principles and key purpose, which is to promote the growth and use of sustainable palm oil through co- operation within the supply chain and open dialogue between stakeholders. Our commitment: During 2015, we began switching our production over to RSPO-certified segregated palm oil or palm oil-free ingredients. This means that, from 1 January 2017, all our palm oil using manufacturing sites conform to the RSPO certification requirements for segregated palm oil. Lantmännen Unibake is a growing company, and as part of this growth, we may acquire additional bakeries. In this case, we would work hard to help them comply with our policy within 18 months of their acquisition. Please contact your local quality team for the certification details of a specific bakery. Our objective is to ensure that any palm oil in the ingredients we use comes only from RSPO-certified sources. In this way, we can be confident it has been produced in an audited environment that adheres to set criteria around working practices. In addition to our own bakeries’ compliance with this commitment, we work to ensure that all products manufactured by our external partners and sold by us only contain RSPO-certified segregated palm oil ingredients. Where segregated palm oil is not an achievable option, RSPO-certified mass balance palm oil ingredients can be used, providing approval has been obtained. For this approval to be granted, a time-bound action plan should be in place for improving the sustainability of a partner’s palm oil source. Where a customer requests specific externally traded products, and we have no influence over the supplier or RSPO status of these products, then they may be exempted from this policy as special business cases. The customer should be made fully aware that these goods do not meet our palm oil policy. Verification: As a member of the RSPO, we are committed to providing regular status updates regarding palm oil. We work with external auditors to ensure our compliance with the RSPO standard for sustainable palm oil use. In order to ensure our suppliers maintain their focus on traceability, we require that they seek and obtain certification to the appropriate RSPO standard. Summary: Lantmännen Unibake is proud to be amongst the leading businesses within our industry to show support for better and more ethical working practices around palm oil production. Jan Emil Hertz Chief Commercial Officer Lantmännen Unibake 20 Feb 2017 Title: DMS Template for Policy and Statements Approved by:Jan Hertz Version: 8.0 Approved date: 2023-01-19 Doc Type: Policy Valid to: 2026-01-19 Doc No: DMSDOC-671266770-81 Page: 1(1)
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