Pal Lantmännen Unibake Policy for Egg Sourcing Background: In the light of our care of products from field to fork, Lantmännen Unibake (Unibake) has been working hard towards using sustainably sourced materials and services across our portfolio. Unibake recognises that eggs should be responsibly sourced to ensure that egg laying hens have a high quality of life and that animal welfare standards are upheld. Cage free: Unibake uses around 2,000 tonnes of liquid egg and powders each year this is now sourced cage-free. We have worked very closely with our suppliers on the transition to cage-free egg in all of our purchased items, and achieved this by the end of 2019. Where a customer for externally traded goods requests a product only available containing caged eggs, a derogation can be granted. The customer must agree in writing to accept these products that do not comply with our egg sourcing policy. A derogation can also be issued for new products, providing a plan is in place to switch the cage free within a year of initial purchase. Unibake is a growing company, and as part of this growth, we may acquire additional bakeries. In this case, we would work hard to help them comply with our policy within 18 months of their acquisition. Our commitment : Since January 1 st 2020 all eggs used within Unibake’s manufacturing sites have been sourced from cage -free environments. Jan Emil Hertz Chief Commercial Officer Lantmännen Unibake 28 July 2020 Title: Lantmännen Unibake Policy for EGG sourcing Approved by:Jan Hertz Version: 5.0 Approved date: 2023-01-19 Doc Type: Policy Valid to: 2026-01-19 Doc No: DMSDOC-671266770-612 Page: 1(1)
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